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Follow your Light with Ashley Rachel

Dec 7, 2021

Is your main goal in your coaching biz right now to hit $5k months? I have so much to share around this! 

In this episode, I'm breaking it all down and sharing... 

  • Why stepping into your next level requires you to let go of the shame you're holding around "I should be further ahead"
  • A reminder that it's all unfolding in the most divine timing
  • A simple breakdown of how $5k is possible for you THIS month (the mindset + the strategy)

Connect with me on Instagram @ashleyrachelcoaching HERE

Apply for my 6-month 1:1 coaching and mentorship program HERE

For any questions about ways to work together, reach out and ask! My DM's are open and I'd love to support you as we go into the New Year. 

>>> Get instant access to Ashley’s FREE 2-day mini-course: The Art of Attracting Aligned-Fit, Paying Clients Into Your High Ticket Offers